We are pleased to announce that TEAMAid is partnering with AASA (Andhra Association of South Africa; https://aasa.org.za).
AASA was founded in Midrand, Johannesburg in 2017 and incorporated as a not-for-profit organization. AASA’s mission is to unite Telugu speaking community who live in South Africa from Andhra Pradesh with focus on the welfare, growth and empowerment and provide the right platform to engage with the motherland in ways and means and address social, cultural and educational needs of South African Telugu Community.
TEAM Aid offers support to families facing the worst moments of their life – accidents, disasters, and deaths. We help one deal with these life-altering situations by working with the community, embassies, airlines, funeral homes and importantly, local Coordinators.
With this partnership, both organizations will use each other’s strengths to achieve a common goal and assist local community.